I'd missed out 1 point on my new year resolution, ie, to make brekky on a daily basis!
Breakfast is like the most important meal of the day.. For me, breakfast is between 10-11am.. I am usually hungry at that time slot, and i think that falls under brunch.. =) And then i notice that when i have a late breakfast, i tend to drag my lunch time later, so lunch is like others tea time, that is 3pm..
My definition of a hearty breakfast is the complete set meal of McDonald's Sausage McMuffin with Egg + Hasbrown + A cup of Green Tea no ice! heh! That is what i would order on the way to work and that would have cost me a good $5.20..
I was eating that on last friday at my work desk when i realised, this is like the easiest brekky and i could do my own McMuffin.. SO to cut a story short, i made my own McSesame today!! Over the weekend, i was looking for the english muffin, i knew i saw it before at a local supermarket but i couldn't find it during the weekend.. so i settled for a sesame bun! let me set it straight, i know the pic looks like a burger bun but it isn't! So here's my very own version of Sausage McSesame with eggy!