Saturday, March 2, 2013

THE - Cinna Rolls

Got this recipe from

It turn out a lil hard at the top but a-ok on the inside.. i guess its a useable recipe! heh! Made them cos my Big Sis was craving for it! served it with a lil nutella on top, its a heavenly treat for us who loves cinnamon!

Cinnamon Roll

I made some agar-agar for my lil monster.. Bought the red colored agar-agar powder but it turn out to be a pretty pink.. It somehow reminds me of pink diamonds!

Pink agar-agar

Had decided to cook something diff for my lil monster.. Rather then the same old rice with soup for his meals, made pasta with tomato sauce for him! he is a lil choosey with his food and he only eat it when he saw his daddy eating it!
Elbow & Alpha with Italian sauce

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