Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The - Bimbimbap..

My sister was asking me to make her a bimbimbap.. Not knowing how to make them and how it really tasted - its game on for me..

Googled the recipe, wakes up at 6am to make and packed them for lunch.. My virgin Bimbimbap and she say it tasted good..

Here is the visual:

Bimbimbap with beansprout in gochujang sauce!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The - Weekender Breakfast

For weekdays it has been fruits and nothing else for breakfast.. So for the weekend, since its for the family, decided to make a change..

Saturday was Fried Kway Teow with prawns:

Sunday was Fried Noodles with fish cakes:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The - 16/01/14 Lunch Box

I can't remember when was the last time I woke up early to make lunch box or to pack breakfast for my older monster.. It feels like ages.. And today, force myself outta bed at 5.30am.. That is only 5 hours of sleep.. but i can manage sleeping lesser than the required 8 hours.. =)

Previously it was kind of a hassle to pack food for work 'cos I'll be packing food for breakfast and then for lunch too.. Now, fruits are for breakfast and I only have to cook and pack our lunch.. Save a 'lil more money.. Every month, I spend more money on eating out.. So that needs to be cut.. a LOT!

Here's what I pack in my food bag:

Pokan Orange/Plum/Persimmon/Fuji Apple/Grapes/Apricot

Rice/Stir-fry cabbage with mince meat/Seaweed Egg roll