Monday, October 29, 2012

THE - Cake Pop!

Long holiday is the bestest!!

So Hari Raya Haji falls on 26-Oct this year and it is Siti's Birthday!! So we had booked a 3D 2N chalet for the celebration AND for the relatives to get together..

As one gets older, you simply ran out of ideas on the perfect gift.. Siti being a fussy woman, i couldn't think of any gift.. The last year gift frm me, a rayban shades, is still unused.. And the Coach handbag which we bought for her a couple of years ago was used less than 10 times! So, i came up with a Cake Pop as my gift to her.. It wasn't cheap, the money and the hardwork put in.. But it was worth it!

Since shifting to my new place, i do not have any baking ware.. No bowls, no spatula, no whisk, no baking trays, NIL, ZERO, KOSONG, ILEK! Purchasing the basics cost me a big hole in my pocket!

It was my fisrt try on making the Cake Pop.. I'm still a newbie.. and there were loads of mistakes made.. So i hope to work on it in the future, when i have the time of course! heh!

Here are the pics to my virgin Cake POP!

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