Monday, December 31, 2012

THE - Cupcake Pop!

and so, the first cake pop done wasn't really a success.. i'd come to conclude that not all recipes that is being published and sold in stores are recipe that you could use..

2 days back, i'd voluntarily cut off some sleep to make 2 batches of cupcake pop.. due to the passion for baking & cooking, i had happily sacrificed my sleep..

Hubs and his band or brothers (his motor kakis) had decided to usher in the new year together.. so here's what i baked apart from the chicken curry as their main dish, bread pudding (to thank the canadian for letting me order chicken for the bbq), black pepper sauce and chicken rice for firas's meal..

They looked a lil messy.. but tasted great! I'm glad everyone enjoyed it..

Nonetheless, HAPPY NEW YEAR PPL!!

Friday, December 28, 2012


RJJ - Roti John Junior!

heh! this is for the days that i ran outta ideas what to have for dinner/supper..

Roti John

* Minced beef
* Diced onion
* Pinch of salt
* Pepper
* 3 eggs
* Gardenia French Loaf (the ones sold at the bakery store tends to be a lil tough/chewy)

1) Cook the minced beef first. Sauteed the minced beef with a lil oil & the diced onion. Season it with salt & pepper.
2) Once cooked, put aside and work on the egg.
3) In a medium bowl, mixed the egg with a lil salt.
4) Cut the french loaf (the length have gotta be long enuff to dip into bowl of egg), & slit the center of the bread.
5) Heat up pan with a lil oil. Dip the bread with egg and sprinkle the minced beef onto the dipped bread and cooked them on low heat. (If the heat is too high, you may end up with a burnt egg bun!)
6) I would put in sliced cheese in between the loaf.. Its my hubs fave.. cheese..

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

THE - Must have..

These are like the must have in the kitchen.. The seasonings was bought from NTUC Finest store whereas the Cajun seasoning & cayenne pepper, you could find it easily at supermarkets.. Love the bottles for the NOMU seasonings, it's like a mini grinder, the ones which you gotta turn it and it came out as grounded..

... and I ran outta ideas on what's for dinner today..

Friday, December 14, 2012

THE - Fiffy's Seafood Platter!

An entry via iPhone Blogger apps, doesn't allow you to save, only publish.. My lengthy post got lost when i fell asleep while posting an entry 2 days ago.. T_T

2 days back, as usual, had texted hubs to ask what's for dinner.. His reply this time was "Surprise me.." And so, i'd skipped lunch to shop for grocery at NTUC Parkway Parade instead.. Have i ever mention how i'd loved my trips to the supermarket.. i could spent hours in a supermarket, the big ones of course.. Back in the days when there was carrefour at Suntec, i would go there EVERYDAY.. i would gleam at the entrance of the market.. Oh and to me, supermarket has to be big.. There is no point making a small supermarket, where the alleys are freaking small and there isn't much much variety of products to buy..

Since i stayed in the North but work somewhere near the East, here are my fave's supermarket:
1) Ang Mo Kio - NTUC FairPrice
2) Parkway Parade - NTUC Finest
3) Northpoint - Cold Storage (They have the freshest thawed chicken)
4) Tampines - Giant

Back to "what's for dinner?"

Before he gets sick & tired of chicken, i'd to change the menu.. Seafood is like an expansive food to me.. So the once in a while indulge to Fish & co was what we had look forward to.. Like I'd mention previously, dinner has never been peaceful since we had Firas.. So, i'd decided to try make my very own Seafood platter for dinner!

Fried Calamari:

* Squid
* 1 cup flour
* 1 egg, beaten
* pepper
* seafood seasoning
* salt

1) Clean squid, cut it into rings
2) Mixed flour, pepper, salt & seafood seasoning into a bowl.
3) Dip squid into egg and then to the flour mixture. Deep fry it till golden brown.

Note:  If you are looking for a crunchy fried calamari, i wouldn't recommend this recipe. The taste is alright but it ain't crunchy.. (I am still working on a crispy calamari)

Cajun Prawn:

* Tiger prawn (It's for family, and the bigger the prawns the tastier it is)
* Cajun Seasoning
* Seafood seasoning

1) Clean your prawns, cut the legs leave the shell and the head on.
2) Season it with cajun and seafood seasoning
3) Melt butter on pan (i uses happy call), and cook it for about 5 mins on each side.. (prawns cook real fast, so overcooking the prawns may not be a good idea)

Mussels in Garlic Butter Sauce:

* 1lb frozen 1/2 shelled mussels (you could use the one with both shell on of course)
* 1/2 block butter, room temperature
* 4 cloves garlic, minced
* 3 teaspoon parsley, chopped (you could use the fresher ones, but i'd prefer the bottled parsley flakes cos i could keep it longer)
* 60ml cooking cream

1) Mixed butter, garlic & parsley with a wooden spoon.
2) On a small fire, put the mixture in a medium pot. Once butter has melted put in mussels.
3) Stir well, making sure the mussels is has butter on it. Then add in cream.
4) Cook it on small heat for 15 mins.

PS: Serve it with toasted bread.. The sauce is heavenly YUMS!
Note: I am upset with my Herbs Halibut cos the recipe i had online turns out to be freaking salty.. Let me work on that again before i post.

Happy Tucking!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

THE - Fishy-fishy!

I've been losing touch with updating this blog.. I haven't been able to find the time to update since my precious toddler is clinging to me like a koala bear!

So hubz (hubby) was down with fever for 5 days.. and whenever i fall sick, ibu would be making me porridge.. but hubz, he doesn't like porridge (cos it reminds him of being sick, but he does whine alot when he sick!) so i made Fish Soup.. Soup is like the bestest food when you are ill, right? Who doesn't agree to it?

So here's the simplest & fastest fish soup recipe.. (it takes approx. 20 mins to cook)

Sliced Fish Soup!

* 2 cubes of Ikan Bilis Knorr
* 1 Red Snapper, deboned & sliced
* 1.4L of water
* Iceberg lettuce
* 1 Tomato
* 1 Egg Tofu
* 3 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1 inch Ginger, sliced

1. Pour in 1.4L water in a medium pot and put in the ginger & garlic. Bring it to boil.
2. Put in the Knorr cubes and stir till it dissolve.
3. Add in the fish and cook it for abt 5-8 mins then add the rest of ingredients.
4. Let it cook for another 5 mins or till fish is properly cooked. And serve it hot.

PS: You could have it with Bee hoon or rice! Not forgetting Chilli Padi!